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1. Successfully launch your business.

2. Discover the methods of successful entrepreneurs.

Duration of the service : 6 months

Number of sessions : 18 sessions



1. It is possible to be an entrepreneur

Develop one’s entrepreneurial spirit / Act like an entrepreneur / Typology of entrepreneurs.

2. A new approach

Business Plan and business launch / Myths of entrepreneurship/ Sensitivity to loss / Forecasts, uncertainty, and the unknown.

3. Identifying a need and fulfilling it

Identification of a need / Create your opportunity / Test, improve, and adjust your solution / Key participants in success / Business model.

4. Market launch

Create your own market / Name of your business / New marketing.

5. Let’s talk numbers

Basic financial principles / Financing and entrepreneurship / Guerrilla financing / Crowdfunding.

6. Start with new tools

Mentorship / Present your project / Social networks / How not to miss your business launch.

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